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Dear RMC Family,

As we approach Thanksgiving, our hearts are filled with gratitude for the multitude of blessings we've received. Additionally, this Sunday we delve into the Parable of the Talents from Matthew 25:14-30, a poignant reminder of our responsibility to use God's gifts wisely. This message is particularly resonant as we anticipate our worship launch on December 10th, a day when we can collectively share our talents in service to Him and each other.

Scriptural Insights

In Matthew 25, Jesus tells a story of a master who entrusts his servants with talents, each according to their ability. Upon his return, the master assesses their stewardship. This parable speaks volumes about trust, responsibility, and the Kingdom of Heaven. It encourages us to see every ability and resource as a gift from God, meant to be nurtured and multiplied for His glory and the good of others.

Contemporary Connections

As Thanksgiving beckons, we're reminded to count our blessings and recognize the talents we've been graciously given. These gifts, whether they be skills, time, or resources, are not just for personal gain but for the enrichment of our communities. Our upcoming worship launch is a tangible expression of this. It's an opportunity to come together, pooling our talents to create something beautiful for God and our community.

Reflective Questions

  • Reflect on the talents you possess. How do they shape your life and influence others?
  • As Thanksgiving approaches, how can these gifts foster a deeper sense of gratitude and purpose?
  • Consider how participating in our December 10th worship launch might be a way to multiply the talents you've been given.

Practical Applications

  • Take time to identify your unique talents and think of ways to develop and share them.
  • Engage in church ministries or community projects, especially as we gear up for the worship launch.
  • Let this Thanksgiving be a time of mindful reflection on how you can contribute your talents for the greater good.


The Parable of the Talents is not just a story of stewardship but a call to action. It beckons us to recognize, nurture, and share the gifts we've been given, in alignment with our Wesleyan heritage of personal piety and social holiness. As we give thanks this season and prepare for our worship launch, let's commit to using our talents in ways that honor God and bring light to those around us.

God bless you, brothers and sisters in Jesus. Have a wonderful Sunday, and a fantastic Thanksgiving.